Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things I can afford that the middle class cannot: vacations

Ahh yes, summertime. The most wonderful time of year wouldn't you agree? I for one love it, for it is summer that offers the respite from the concrete and skyscrapers that dominate my milieu. Three months of long weekends in the Hampton's. Weeks sailing the Greek Isles. There are no budgets, no time constraints, no interruptions. Just relaxation, family time and pampering.

If you are envious I understand. Believe me, if I were middle class I would hate me. Not because I am wealthy and can satisfy my whims, however outrageous or expensive they may be. No, I would hate me because I would be forced to confront my own pathetic existence- a life spent wanting, not having.

Wealth and power affords one the ability to vacation when and where they want. While the middle class loads up the minivan and embarks on their great American road trips, Mrs. Ross, myself, the nanny and sometimes the baby will jet off to Barbados. Just because. While the middle class waits in line at Disney World, the Ross family is enjoying a special VIP tour of the Magic Kingdom - no standing in lines with sweaty English tourists.

Take any one of my vacations, even the most rote, and they would be the dream vacation of any suburban family languishing through a time share tour just to get a few free tickets to Universal Studios. Take any one of my vacations and you will see just how powerful wealth can be.

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