Friday, June 6, 2008

The Week in Review: 6/-6/6

The democrats decide, unemployment rises, the SUV dies. Once more, the liberal media wants you to believe that the sky is falling.

Obama vs. McCain
Finally, the democrats chose their sacrificial lamb for 2008, thus ensuring the plutocracy endure. Citizens of lollipop land will have to wait another four years before gumdrops and equal rights pour from the Heavens.

Unemployment rate climbs 5.5%
Meaning? You'll have to wait in line a few extra minutes at McDonalds. Let's face it, the only jobs being lost are the ones not worth having.

$4.00 gas kills the SUV
Ford and General Motors have announced plans to cut production of SUVs and pick-up trucks to make way for smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. Observers maintain the death of the SUV is upon us. In fact, it is not. What's happened is that the market has equalized and the folks who had no business buying SUVs in the first place (read: the middle class) are finally realizing the folly of leasing, seven-year loans and negative equity. Pity that it takes events such as this to impart a little economic common sense to the masses.

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