Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Things I can afford that the middle class cannot

There is a common misconception that we wealthy are different from everyone else. Better maybe, but not necessarily different. As they say, we put our trousers on one leg at a time, just like average folks. And while we all know I am anything but average, occasionally I like to indulge in the most average of meals.

The hamburger. I like to refer to it as the people's meal. That time tested, most American of recipes. A perfect product composed from the very best our nation's breadbasket has to offer, the hamburger reminds us that the simple things in life can in fact be enjoyable.

Now, despite the fact that yes, I frequently dine on lobster tails and porterhouses there are times when a man needs a burger. And there is no better place to satiate that need than at the Wall Street Burger Shoppe.

From the spelling of the word shoppe, one immediately suspects they are in for a burger experience unlike any other. And the moment the delectable confluence of Kobe beef, black truffles, seared foie gras, aged Gruyere cheese and wild mushrooms, delivered in a warm brioche bun with hints of gold flecks hits your pallet you know that you've just experienced something special. You've experienced that which so few have: Heaven on a bun. Never has $175 tasted so delicious.

Yes, you read that correctly. $175. And it's worth every penny. Obviously, this is a burger designed not for the unrefined pallets of the masses, those Number 2 super-sized combo meal heathens. Such genius, such delicacy is not to be wasted on those who think Outback makes a great steak. No my friends, a $175 hamburger is not for the provincial, rather it is for those who appreciate the finer things in life. It is for we who view the gourmet as everyday and the extravagant as commonplace.

Thankfully it is priced beyond the reach of those who would never appreciate it for what it is: a ground patty for the Gods of the Gods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tofu Tacos are da bomb.