Monday, September 22, 2008

Reader Questions

A Miss Jacobsen asks:

I would truly like to know about the music you enjoy. Please be specific; artists as well as favorite songs. Your answers will determine any future correspondence.

Thank you for your question, Ms. Jacobsen, one's choice in music reflects much of their character - though I must say I do not appreciate the "or else" overtones which punctuate your inquiry.

Asking me who my favorite artists are is like asking me to choose my favorite sailboat or luxury automobile - impossible. For you see every moment has its soundtrack.

Would I chose Jimmy Buffet while reading the latest Financial Times? No, but put me on the deck of my 1952 43' Abeking and Rasmussen Yawl and you'll find yourself one happy Son of a Sailor. Though nothing gets me ready for a little corporate warfare like Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet. I find the strings to be inspiring. No doubt you would agree.

Other artists worthy of my affection include The Chairman of the Board and his rousing Luck be a Lady (among many, many others), Phil Collin's, In the Air Tonight and anything that comes from the mouths of Bruce Springsteen or Billy Joel.

G. Glen Ross


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think you simply Googled "adult contemporary music that makes women out of men". Billy Joel? You must be joking. He makes Barry Manilow sound masculine.

Prokofiev for corporate warfare? Again, you're joking, right? At least you could have selected a masculine, ready for battle piece like "Peter and the Wolf" instead of a travesty like Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet". Had Shakespeare been alive, he certainly would have killed Prokofiev for the injustice. And for those who are in the know (obviously not you), Berlioz is most appropriate for those corporate takeover moments. Dark, brooding, and dispassionate, Berlioz is the music of choice for winners in the corporate world.

Have fun on your boat. Second place is still a good showing.

PC said...

Mr. Zerga-

I appreciate your comments. Though we unfortunately do not see eye to eye on Mr. Joel, I couldn't agree more in your taste for Berlioz. However, I find the bedroom rather than the boardroom to be a more appropriate venue when it comes to listening to him. Such passion and ferocity is inspiring.

As for second place, I am sure that finding yourself in such a position would be a pleasant surprise.

Good day.

Anonymous said...

I listed to the Doobie Brothers. You are a fraud.