Friday, September 12, 2008

The Week in Review: 9/7-9/12

Brilliant capitalist auctions off virginity to pay for college

22 year-old Natalie Dylan is auctioning off her virginity to pay for her Master's program. Though judging by her looks I'd put the chances of her being a virgin about as high as the chances of me eating at Applebee's. Just my opinion, but any woman this bright deserves to get top dollar for her offer. Well, any woman this attractive does.

Large Hadron Collider goes live. World doesn't end.

Wednesday September 10th was a day for the Chicken Little's of the world to wet their collective pants as the infamous Large Hadron Collider was turned on. For those of you wondering, yes we are still here. Black holes have not consumed our precious planet. Though I'd take one for the team if that meant no more evangelicals and environmental wackos. Relax, it's just science people.

More empty rhetoric from the nation's presumptive first-celebrity.

While Obama espouses the virtues of equal pay for equal work, his campaign still recognizes that in fact there is a reality. Records show that he believes fair only goes so far. On average his male staffers make $54,397 while his female staffers only make $45,152. Though when you think about it, you really shouldn't fault the guy for paying those with the more important jobs higher salaries.

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