Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ross' Rules: Don't be the team. Lead the team.

Too often we feel the need to work with others. And far too often we mistakenly think such group collaboration will lead to group success. Well if you believe that crap I've got a mail room and a helmet with your name on it.

Insight: collaboration is how the weak and lazy get ahead.

I don't care what you learned in kindergarten or summer camp: cooperative and collaborative environments area the domains of the subservient and submissive. They are the pasture of a million corporate sheep. Unless your goal is to be an anonymous cog in the wheels of progress you must eschew the group and distinguish yourself through outstanding individual effort. Only then will you grow into the type of man your father would be proud of.

In fact, there is only one time when it is even remotely acceptable to be a member of a work team - when you are its leader. In that case you are a devilishly intelligent, hyper-efficient corporate warrior savvy to the ways of success. For your keen business brain knows that - while it may be the group who does the work - it is the leader who gets the credit.

Remember that my corporate warriors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having been a reader of your blog for some time, I have noticed a decided decline in the creativity of your writing and the thoughtfulness of your chosen topics. Recently you have taken to task a reader who was obviously twelve years old. You have exposed to the public various unwritten rules that we men of power live by. And, you seem to have eliminated the greatest of all your columns, "Things I Can Afford".

Mr. Ross, if there is one thing I and the rest of your contemporaries will not tolerate, it's complacency. On behalf of your tens-of-millions of readers, I encourage you to take a break from this vacuous vacation and resume your rightful place in the world as a real man of power and excellence.