Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ross' Rules: Go with God

I just got back from celebrating the most wonderful Easter. Really, there is no better place to celebrate His glory and resurrection than on the pristine white sand beaches of the Caribbean. All that I have in my life I owe to Him and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t ask for His forgiveness, nor is there a Sunday that passes when I don’t worship His greatness.

See what I just did there? I created an aura of respect and trust by proclaiming my faith in the Lord. That, my friends, is another one of Ross’ Rules. To be an executive of power one must convey that he is a man of faith, because there is no easier way to earn respect than by embracing Christ.

Think about it, would you question the integrity of your evangelical pastor? Or question the ethics of the Catholic Church? Of course you don’t. To be a Christian is to be beyond reproach. You are indemnified from scandal and scorn.

Who cares if it’s all a front? Like many secrets we keep, no one will ever know.

If you want to make your trip up the Corporate Elevator as easy as possible you must remember to be an active believer and participant in the faith that dominates your geographic area. If you live in the south, you’re a Baptist. West Texas, Catholic. The Northeast, protestant. The Midwest, Lutheran or non-denominational.

I do not care if you actually believe in any of these religions. That, of course, is not the point. What is the point is that your co-workers and bosses think you do.

Just make sure they think you believe in real, Western religions, not fake ones. When in doubt, if it ends with “muslim” or comes from Asia or the mind of a science fiction writer, it’s probably not real.

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