Monday, March 10, 2008

Ross' Rules: It's who you know

"What do I need to do to get a job like yours?" That is perhaps the most common question asked of me. If I feel inclined to answer, my response is to tell them that they'll never have a job like mine unless they know the right people.

For example, my nephew is an idiot. The kid only got in to Yale because our family has a rich history of donating substantial sums of money to their business school. And the only reason he was able to get a job with a major New York investment bank was because I was a good friend with a board member. Now the kid is leveraging his relationships into securing a position with the State Department.

Compare his path with that of his college roommate. The young man got into Yale purely on the strength of his academic prowess and his minority status. He spent so much of his time studying to maintain the high GPA required of his scholarship that he failed to form any meaningful relationships or connections. So what is he doing? Teaching English and history back on the reservation. Sad considering what that young man was capable of. But, because he doesn't know the right people his Yale education will go to waste.

Is it fair? Not at all. However, as we all know equity has little to do with success. It's knowing the right people that will take you places.

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