Friday, March 7, 2008

The Week in Review: 3/2-3/7

The Democratic Party: why hippies should continue to procreate

Big week last week in the world of politics. I don't know about you, but I took great pleasure in watching the Democratic Party continue to disintegrate. With Bill Clinton's wife winning Ohio, Rhode Island and Texas, it is becoming abundantly clear that they do not want to win in '08. I for one could not be happier as her nomination would guarantee a McCain victory in November.

As Michael Gerson of the Washington Post said, "a resurgent Clinton is “the Republican dream”

Rush and Coulter will vote for Clinton

Some Democrats see this is a clear indication that it is McCain who is tearing his party apart. I beg to differ. Obviously the Democrats are not familiar with the art of psy-ops. Reverse psychology is in play here people. Think about it.

High profile CEOs raked over the Congressional coals

Led by Congressman Harry Waxman, D-Cal, the House Committee on Government and Oversight Reform took three of the most respected men in business to task on their "oversized" pay packages, saying that it was questionable that "a few exec do so well when their companies are doing so poorly." Adhering to the same logic, Mr. Waxman should be asking himself the same question regarding his performance.

Military Recruiting Station Bombed

Some speculate that the bombing was the work of home-grown Islamic extremists cultivated by our own administration's actions. Clearly though, it was perpetrated by far-left pinkos. Islamic extremists, we all know, at least have the decency to blow themselves up too.

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