Friday, March 28, 2008

The Week in Review: 3/23-3/29

What I think you need to know about last week.

The Fed tries to stave off a US economic meltdown

In case you were too busy volunteering, in which case you assuredly don't care about anything that actually matters, the Fed brokered a deal that sold troubled investment bank Bear Stearns to JP Morgan Chase for $2 a share. This is big because that bastard James Cayne lost about $950 million in the deal. A year ago, his shares were worth over $1 billion. He just dumped them for $61 million.

Hillary misspeaks

I don't understand why this is news. She does it all the time.

American Airlines grounds 300 planes

The nation's largest airline grounded 300 planes for safety inspections. Every one of the airline's Boeing MD-80s were grounded on the order of a FAA directive that mandated wiring be inspected for proper installation. I can only imagine how inconvenient this was to commercial travellers. Actually, no I can't, because I'm not poor.

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