Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reader Question

Q: I was just wondering, where do you stand on recycling? Carbon offsets?

-Andrew B.

A. Well Andrew, as apparently it is Earth Day I will answer your question. Though I'll make it quick because I'm sure the hippies wouldn't appreciate the CO2 such long winded answers would emit.

This may surprise you, but I very much encourage my housekeeping staff to recycle. I myself cannot be bothered with the trivialities of separating my waste, but I see to it that they pick what can be recycled out of the trash and put it in the proper containers. As for carbon offsets, I think they are nothing but smoke and mirrors, but Mrs. Ross insists on purchasing them to mollify her conscious. We purchase ours from Africa. Seeing as they have no industry to produce pollutants, the offsets come cheap.

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