Friday, April 4, 2008

The Week in Review: 3/30-4/4

Ahh yes, another glorious week has come and gone and another weekend of decadent relaxation approaches. Mrs. Ross, myself and a few friends I are off to Telluride for the last ski outing of the season. From what I hear, the conditions are phenomenal. Truly, there is no greater time to enjoy the slopes of Southwest Colorado than in the Spring.

Now, on to the week in review...

Students Write Good

While I normally don't read the New York Times, there was a copy in the executive restroom and well, I needed something to read. Communist rhetoric or not, I couldn't help but shake my head at the fact that, according to a test administered last year, only one in four high school seniors are proficient

Understandably, many are blaming the educational system. However, I believe such blame is misplaced. My generation might be the greatest, but the one mistake we made was not realizing the rhythm method was ineffective. Had we known, our country's youth would not have been raised by some of the most ineffective and immature parents this great country has ever seen. So, on behalf of grandparents everywhere, I'm sorry. Mistakes obviously happen.

The Rich Live Longer

Of course it'd be stating the obvious that we rich lead far better lives than the middle classed and poor. Finally though, studies have confirmed what we've always suspected, we uncommonly rich live longer than the commonly not. 4.5 years to be exact.

I'd have thought the figure would have been higher though. How one can tolerate living surrounded by want and mediocrity is beyond me. But I'll save my thoughts on euthanasia for another day.

Ted Turner Proves Again That Wealth Can Only Do So Much

Personally, I've always thought Ted Turner was a twit. When he married Hanoi Jane, I knew he was. Admittedly, I am neither a fan of his politics or his baseball team. However, the fact that he is a fellow member of the plutocracy does not immunize him against my scorn.

According to Tedly, if we don't take action, in 30 to 40 years the Earth will be eight degrees hotter. Plants won't grown and everyone will either die or have to resort to cannibalism. First I'll say this: Ted, you're an idiot. Your argument has no merit because it is grounded in shoddy science and false assumptions. Second, I'm sure most people would welcome such climate change. Third, I'll be dead by then so it doesn't really matter.

Enjoy your weekend everybody. I'm sure Chili's will be a great time.

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