Monday, April 28, 2008

Ross' Rules: Work is Life

Lately much has been made of the need for a strong work-life balance. The theory goes that if one is able to spend time with their family or pursuing hobbies and activities outside of work, they will be a happier employee and thus they will be a better employee.


A balanced life is like sensible democrat: they're both imaginary. The need for a balanced life is the excuse of those who hate their jobs, and such people belong in welfare lines; not walking the hallowed halls of Corporate America. It is an affront to the millions of dedicated men everywhere who sacrifice their happiness and that of their family's for the good of the company.

I want workaholics. I want relentless passion and single-minded focus. My employees must eat, breathe and bleed the mission statement. I don't care that little Billy has a t-ball game or the Paige has a dance recital. The nanny can tell you how it went when you see her. Nor do I care if you haven't seen your wife in weeks. She may hate you now, but trust me, she'll love the lifestyle your substantial compensation package affords her.

Workaholics are what make this country tick. They are the lubrication in the gears of the most potent economy on Earth. While one may lament the long hours and high stress, they can rest easy knowing they are providing their families with wonderful homes, luxurious cars, high priced nannies and the latest fashions. No the workaholic doesn't get to spend much time enjoying the benefits of such hard work, but they know that happiness will never satisfy them the way comraderie and a defined sense of purpose can. And they know that defeating their children in a high stakes game of Connect Four, while intially gratifying, will never earn them a promotion and corner office.

As I approach the twilight of my working years I cannot help but envy those just starting out. My work is what gives me life. It is what will give you life. Remember, you can always start a new family, but you only get one shot at your career. Enjoy it while you can.

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