Friday, April 18, 2008

The Week in Review: 4/13-4/19

Good Friday, Rossophytes. Yes, yours truly is feeling rather dashing today, both in looks and mood. Why, do you ask. No reason other than this weekend marks the commencement of the summer sailing season. Break out the Sperry's and linen!

9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous,' Al Qaeda Says

My grandson forwarded me this important news story. Now, I have never heard of the Onion News Network, but my he tells me they are the most credible media outlet I've never heard of. And after watching the video, I have to agree. If you ever had any doubts as to who felled the might bastions of capitalism, you will soon be enlightened.

Pope Benedict's Historic Visit

The Bishop of Rome visited our great country this week. At an outdoor mass, he preached the importance of overcoming division and rejecting the “anger,” “weakening moral sense,” and “growing forgetfulness" of something or other in modern society. No longer a Catholic, I won't be damned to hell for not giving a crap.

CBS Knocks the Democratic Debate Out of the Park

Mrs. Ross insisted on watching "Real Housewives of the Big Apple" so I didn't get to watch the democratic debate on CBS. Not that I would have. Empty promises of hope and prosperity do nothing when you already have everything. Though from what I hear, Charlie Gibson and Stephie-opolis did the expected and pushed the democratic party and CBS further into irrelevance. Great job boys!

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